Divorce Isn’t Such A Dirty Word

I’m getting a divorce…

What a strange transition this is. Life had been rough for the past six months and it seems we’re unable to work past challenging life events together, so we’ve decided to go our separate ways. If any of you have been through this then you know how difficult it can be. Break ups are hard!

The day we decided to seperate I was numb. It took me a few days to understand this was it. I was a single woman. After a lot of tears I decided to give myself a week or two to wallow in my despair and then I’d begin to move on. There’s no timeline for grief but I knew I could help myself get through this. I wouldn’t stay stuck. I’d let myself grieve how I needed to but I’d also live my very best life.

I wrote an entire book on finding yourself and creating your dream life, so I began to be a student of myself and what I know. To be honest, I’ve been thriving . It seems solitude agrees with me. I have hard moments, but all in all, I’m doing okay. My friends and family have been reaching out making sure I feel loved. I have my two amazing dogs who truly uplift me and get me out in the sunshine to walk 3-4 times a day. I was able to set up my new home exactly how I want it and to eat whatever I desire. It’s been a joy creating a beautiful space and healthy meals for myself.

I moved to my hometown to be closer to family and took a job that I didn’t really want, but it paid the bills. I’m not a fan of working jobs I don’t like so I decided to find one that feeds my soul. Although stress was involved, this was a fun exercise. It allowed me to dream and bring that dream into reality. I’m an entrepreneurial soul and I enjoy thinking of ways that I can serve. “Hmm, what do I enjoy that could also bring in money?” As I was thinking this I was gazing at my beehives. I’d just moved them from my old apiary and they were sitting in front of my townhouse until I move them to my new bee garden. I’m sure my neighbors are confused but there are no bees living in them at the moment, so no one has showed any concern. They’re probably just wondering who their whacky new neighbor is.

I love beekeeping! It was something I began last year and I enjoy nothing more than spending a warm, sunny afternoon with my ladies. “I wonder if there are any beekeeping supply stores that need part time help?” I went online and typed in “bee jobs near me”. Sure enough a local beekeeper was looking for help tending to his 100+ hives. No way! I quickly applied and got an immediate response. The very next day I was hired as a beekeeper! When I got my hives I thought it’d be an interesting hobby. Once I started being a bee steward I realized that I absolutely loved it and could have a side business selling honey, wax products, and hive medicine. I never dreamed it could be a real way to make a living!

Although I’m fairly new on my divorce journey, I’m putting in the work to care for myself and live a life that feels good. I’m focusing on my health, self care, meditation practice, a keynote speech I’ve been invited to give in a few months, and I’m even able to do something I love for a living. This divorce isn’t so bad because without it I wouldn’t have gotten the opportunity to work with bees or to truly focus on myself. I have a life that’s become more beautiful and fulfilling than I ever imagined. So for me, divorce isn’t such a dirty word. Although it’s sad, I’m looking at it as a gift.


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